2 months agoTrump will come in office with a Republican trifecta will this time be different, Terror attacks coming?michaelj5326Verified
2 years ago10.13.22: Public AWAKENING forces accountability! AMAZING Delta, TULSI info, Kanye, Grant, Hold on tight! All before the ELECTION? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years agoAWK w/ KASH Patel: 6.20.22: An AMAZING, STRONG LEADER for SUCH a TIME as THIS! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago1.6.23: We FACE many battles together, WATERGATE X 1000, AMAZING McCarthy showdown, TRUTH is out. PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago12.19.21: THIS W@R is SPIRITUAL! Entities exposed, FEAR is their lethal WEAPON! We MUST PRAY!And We KnowVerified
5 months agoLITHIUM, Dead Bodies, and FEMA Stand-Down Orders: What is Really Happening with this Hurricane PSYOPStew Peters NetworkVerified
2 years ago5.31.22: FOCUS on Stolen 2020 ELECTION making WAVES! EVIL legal system EXPOSED! AMAZING! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 year agoMIND BLOWER TONIGHT 🤯 @ 9pm ET! Do NOT Miss This‼ - Ep. 64 [10/24/23]The Lil Talk Show with Brad BartonVerified
4 years ago2.24.21: The COMMS continue to DISCLOSE amazing FACTS! We WILL WIN! Pray!And We KnowVerified
4 months agoHow did the red wave happen this time, justice coming, will everything change, resistance.michaelj5326Verified
3 years ago11.24.21: Gen Flynn exposes their PLAN, MANY show COURAGE in this BATTLE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago'The Classic - The Reset We ALL Need @ This Point!' ❤️💥🇺🇸 Ep 49 [8/17/23]The Lil Talk Show with Brad BartonVerified
8 days agoSGT Report Exposed Amazing Polly Validates Victor Hugo Alt News Media Controlled Opposition ClaimsVictorHugoArt
3 years ago12.29.21: Our CREATOR is AMAZING! Why is the NG popping up everywhere? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
4 days agoWhat Padre Pio & This 900 Year Old Book Predict For 2025 Is Insanely Accurate & Creepy..Godrules Channel
2 months agoOpen Eyes Ep. 178 - "Those Who Forget The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It."OpenEyesVerified
9 hours agoOld World Order - Why are the controlled Op exposing all this Information Now-We The People - Constitutional Conventions
1 year agoTONIGHT @ 8:30 ET! “World’s Secret Religion” Part III This is sooooo deep!😲👀😲 - Ep. 82 [1/16/24]The Lil Talk Show with Brad BartonVerified
3 months agoWhy is the deep state so quiet as Trump picks his new cabinet will he pick the best this time?michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoInternet Utiliizing Health and Love Frequencies vs Damaging EMFs – The Future can be AmazingSarah WestallVerified