Award winning author Chad Stewart discusses the Britfield series and upcoming play and movies that will be part of the Renaissance of literature as we know it.
Hoppity Goes to Town (1941 Full Animated Movie) | Fantasy/Family | Kenny Gardner, Gwen Williams, Jack Mercer, Tedd Pierce, Carl Meyer, Stan Freed, Pauline Loth. | #DaveFleischerAppreciation
Dennis The Menace (1987 Full Movie) | Comedy/Family | Summary: A paleontologist promotes a dinosaur theme park after Dennis (Victor DiMattia) discovers an old bone.
They Don’t Want You Talking About this! - Breanna Morello; What REALLY Happened in Arizona in 2020? - Matthew Thayer; What Can You do to Protect and Provide? - JD Rucker | FOC Show
DOUBLE FEATURE: TWoO (1939 Full Movie) + Oz TGaP (2013 Full Movie) | Musical/Fantasy/Family | BONUS: "Almost Home" by Mariah Carey | NOTE: Oz TGaP [2013] Starts at 1:45:00