1 year ago|Toke N Choke with the Based Stoner | Mundane monday smoke sesh lets laugh at some shizz |Based StonerVerified
1 month agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| if ya want something done, you need kash|Based StonerVerified
2 months agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| do not waste what comes the least|Based StonerVerified
1 month agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| No Neo Cons Allowed!! Trumps first order|Based StonerVerified
1 month agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| down with the deep state, onward for liberty |Based StonerVerified
2 months agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| i can say this with certainty, your mom's a hoe|Based StonerVerified
2 months agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| a whole lotta rosie | maybe start sons of the forest.. maybeBased StonerVerified
3 months agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| just shhhmokin and reactin might play a game|Based StonerVerified
2 months agoSUNDAY FUNDAY WITH THE BASED STONER| this has not been such a funday lets make it one|Based StonerVerified