Pascal Najadi - RT Russia Today: "President Trump šŗšø & President Putin š·šŗ are not guilty of anything in the Covid PsyOp and Democide created out of and with Switzerland"-US Covert Mil. War Op. #STORM Judgement !
URGENT: "They poisoned all Humans in the world" with Dr. Robert Young, USA - Swiss Territory born Swiss Government Sponsored Global Crime against Humanity & Treason on United States - Swiss in U.S. Crosshairs EO 13818
USSF Production 47USC606 Compliant Disclosure: Russian President Putin is the Cousin of Pascal and Isabelle Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni - WWWG1WGA #SEMPERSUPRA Weā¤ļøYou šļøšļø
USSF EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS FILM RELEASE (Compliant47USC606): The King Of Pop is Back - He is of course also one of our KAHLOONI Secret Agents to Save the Children - #WWG1WGA #SEMPERSUPRA