This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.
The 'good Doctors' Don't Want To Talk About Emerging Technologies Like CRISPR, Optogenetics & Nano Molecular Communications Systems But Our Government's Are Currently Creating Policy For It!
The Great Reset / Transhumanism Agenda | Playing GOD: Understanding the HORRIFYING Gene-Editing, CRISPR, Transhumanism, RNA-Modifying Nano-Tech & Cas9 Agenda
A Clear Mesage To The Ones Too BUTT HURT To eknowledge Or Tell The Truth About, WBAN, Molecular Communication & 6G ITU J-FET, IEC, ISO, Biodigital Convergence Standards & Policy!
Augmenting human potential in the 6G era " That Will Allow Us To Connect The Physical World & The Biological World With Digital Twin Models In The Digital World" - NOKIA BELL LABS 2023
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
Laura Jeffery is a 27-year licensed funeral director who details what she has seen in the embalming process of deceased individuals who got the Bio-Nano-Weapon shot. She says that she's never seen these shocking structures before the jab roll-out
NASA EDGE nano Game Changing Development (GCD) Program Office is exploring nanotechnology. GCD Program Manager, Steve Gaddis, and his team highlight how this technology is being used in sensors and various materials.