2/23/25 Ukrainian Labs, Bipolar, Depression, ADHD, can you cure it? What causes it! Bongino named Deputy Director of FBI! Maryland education system pushing transgender!
Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!
Univ of Maryland: Major Spiritual Breakthrough, Contend w/ Two Different Christians Who Excuse Sin & It Helps Me Draw A Crowd of About 22-25 Students, Then Orthodox Jew Asks About Ezekiel Temple, I Preach On How Jesus Is In All 7 Lev 23 Feast Days!
University of Maryland: Wicked Reprobates Arrogantly Try To Make Me Move, Humble Police Officer Gives Me A Great New Place To Preach, Draw A Small Crowd, Rebuking an Arrogant Atheist & Arrogant Roman Catholic, Preaching Jesus!
Univ of Maryland: Demon Possessed Woman Rants & Raves, Rebuking A Muslim, Rebuking A Professor, Rebuking A Hypocrite, Encouraged By A New Born Again Christian