1 year agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 1) \\ The Beginning of Mercenaries Day Celebrations!MSFT__kiLRoy
10 months agoBorderlands 3 - Hyperion Amara (Pt. 18) \\ FINALE - Arms Race & Completing the Hyperion Allegiance!!!MSFT__kiLRoy
1 year agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 2) \\ Bringing the Mercenary Day Spirit to PrometheaMSFT__kiLRoy
1 year agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 14) \\ The Gear Grab Continues & Testing New Layout/APIMSFT__kiLRoy
6 days agoBorderlands 3 - M3RC3N4RY D4Y FL4K (Pt. 18) \\ G4URD14NS 4ND H3M0V0R0US F1N4L3!!MSFT__kiLRoy
14 days agoBorderlands 3 - M3RC3N4RY D4Y FL4K (Pt. 15) \\ M3RC3N4RY D4Y SURPR1S3 F0R 4V4!MSFT__kiLRoy