University of Texas, San Antonio: Atheist Contending With Me Helps Me Draw A Small Crowd, Great Questions, Sober Students, A Wonderful Day of Exalting Jesus Christ
UC Santa Barbara: Large Crowds, Mostly Hostile, As I Contend w/ Homosexuals, Kissing Lesbians, Mockers, Jews, a Rabbi, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites -- Jesus Christ Preached To Thousands!
University of Nevada Las Vegas: Some Mockers, Lesbians Kissing, One Young Man Seemed To Be Under Conviction, Jesus Christ Exalted to Thousands of Students
Top Israeli Ministers Hiding In Bunkers, Iran Notifies UN of Intent To Attack Israel, Speculative Timelines I Created For Tribulation, Rapture, Jesus' Return, Rabbi Weisberg Claims Trump Is The Non Jewish Messiah Who Will Help Jews Rebuild 3rd Temple
University of West Florida: Preaching Jesus & One Young Woman Has Doubts About Her Salvation, I Exhort Her To Get Alone With God Until She Knows Jesus Has Given Her A New Heart!
Preaching At A Local Campus: Sincere Christian Asks About Sabbath, One Young Lady Takes Some Tracts For Her Friend, Preaching Jesus and Warning of Sin To the Masses
Univ of Nebraska, Lincoln: Lots of Mockers, 1 Student Wants to Preach & He Breaks Down In Tears As He Calls The Students To Repent, Jesus Christ Magnified
Oregon State University: Lesbians Kissing, Catholics Railing, Students Booing -- What Began As 40-50 Students Mushroomed Into A Crowd of 200 Students As The Gospel of Jesus Christ Was Preached
Florida International University: 30 Preachers Join Me As We Exalt The Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Contending w/ Muslims, Atheists, Homosexuals and Hypocrites -- A Wild Day!
Sam Houston State Univ: Heckler Decked In Rainbow Waiting For Me, Lesbians Oppose Me, Large Crowd Forms, One Sinner Calls The Police On Me, Another Rowdy Day As I Exalt Jesus Christ
WKU: A Hypocrite & Muslim Try To Resist The Holy Spirit, Preaching to Hundreds, Young Woman Asks About My Methods & We Discuss Scriptures, Preaching Jesus Christ
Penn State: Sinner Spits In My Face, Apathy Reigns Supreme, Preaching With Penn State Professor Once Again, Exalting Jesus Christ To Thousands of Students