409: PRAY - PLAN & TAKE ACTION! For Arizona & America! How To Save Her NOW! DO NOT CERTIFY & REDO THE MARI-CORRUPTION COUNTY ELECTION! It Only Take 2 Minutes A Day!
459: ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES & FRAUD EXPOSED MARATHON - Maricopa County & Scott Jarrett Committed A FELONY When They STOLE The Election - We Show The Receipts! Where Are The Legislators? Officials? Sheriffs?
433: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD: This Was From 11/15 - The Day Our Flag Was Officially Turned Upside Down - Our Country Is In Distress - MICHELE SWINICK & JOE MOBLEY
432: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/10 When Everyone Thought The "Results" Were Going To Declare Kari Lake The Winner - MICHELE SWINICK & ANNI CYRUS
330: SPIRITUAL WAR ARMOR TRAINING PART 5 - This Is Our Joshua Moment To Save America & Ourselves - GOD Chose Us For Such A Time As This...It's Time You Man & Woman Up! JOSHUA 1:5-9