1 year agoQuippers United! SUN, MOON, SORA, MISANTHROPIC, and SIX guesting! (04/16/2023)Quippers United
3 years agoSEQUEL DI CROLLA CABALA, CROLLA! - PARTE 6: ONG e controllo della popolazione forzatoJohnOldman
3 years ago06 Secuela la Caida del Cabal parte seis - The fall of the cabal dominación mundialFalsa Pandemia Covid
2 years agoBig Pharma - Globális játszmák / Big Pharma - Global Gameskvzoo.org - What is happening? | Mi történik?
2 years agoQuippers United! MISANTHROPIC, DAX, SIX, and PENDRAGON guesting! (10/23/2022)Quippers United
9 months agoSanningen om klimathotet som skulle förändra allt - som SVT aldrig skulle rapportera omFrihetsNytt
9 months agoThe truth about the climate threat that would change everything - which media would never report onFrihetsNytt