Robert Kiyosaki | Acta Non Verba (Acts, Not Words) | "Watch What A Person Does, Not What They Say." - Kiyosaki + Why Is Money Is A Magnifier Whether You Are An Accountant, A Dog Trainer Or A Home Builder + Clay Clark Client Growth Success Storie
Business Podcasts | 7 Proven Sales Super Moves You Can Use to Grow Your Business In A Win-Win Way + Dirty Dog Sales Moves to Avoid + The 7X Growth of + Tebow Joins Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!!!
FASTING HELPS BUILD YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YAHAWASHI!!…. ”When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach” 🕎Psalms 35:13 “But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; an