1. Episode 5: Sounding the Trumpet: Fear, Division, and Accountability in Modern Politics

    Episode 5: Sounding the Trumpet: Fear, Division, and Accountability in Modern Politics

  2. 'CT. COP on Sandy Hook Inconsistencies: "THINGS DON'T ADD UP"' - 2012

    'CT. COP on Sandy Hook Inconsistencies: "THINGS DON'T ADD UP"' - 2012

  3. What has happened to our Justice system, why do we coddle criminals

    What has happened to our Justice system, why do we coddle criminals

  4. DMD #164- MD Law Blocked | Rep Clyde Goes After ATF Again | New Infringements Union Wide 10.2.23

    DMD #164- MD Law Blocked | Rep Clyde Goes After ATF Again | New Infringements Union Wide 10.2.23
