1. DAY 8: The Chosen Blended Harmony of The Gospels- Message- Mercy - Humility - Compassion- See Notes

    DAY 8: The Chosen Blended Harmony of The Gospels- Message- Mercy - Humility - Compassion- See Notes

  2. Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

    Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

  3. "The Lamb (Christ) Opens the Scroll" (Revelation 5 Study)

    "The Lamb (Christ) Opens the Scroll" (Revelation 5 Study)

  4. Prophecy Friday: Isaiah 24-25- “The Prophet of “Doom”- Impending Judgements - “The End of the Age”

    Prophecy Friday: Isaiah 24-25- “The Prophet of “Doom”- Impending Judgements - “The End of the Age”

  5. Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

    Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

  6. The Book of Jeremiah “Part 5”: 7-8: “Turn from Evil Ways”- “Preferring Death to Life” See Notes

    The Book of Jeremiah “Part 5”: 7-8: “Turn from Evil Ways”- “Preferring Death to Life” See Notes

  7. DAY12:The Chosen Blended Harmony’s of the Gospels- “Wheat & Tares are Grown Together- See Write Up

    DAY12:The Chosen Blended Harmony’s of the Gospels- “Wheat & Tares are Grown Together- See Write Up

  8. DAY 76: "RETURNING TO YOUR FAILURE" (Luke 5:5)- "Four Fishermen Called" Scene from The Chosen

    DAY 76: "RETURNING TO YOUR FAILURE" (Luke 5:5)- "Four Fishermen Called" Scene from The Chosen

  9. The Bible: Day 22- “God’s Perfect Timing” (Psalm 13, Matthew 15:10-39, Genesis 43-44)

    The Bible: Day 22- “God’s Perfect Timing” (Psalm 13, Matthew 15:10-39, Genesis 43-44)

  10. Jesus, The Good Shepherd, the Sheep Hear His Voice and follow (John 10:1-21)

    Jesus, The Good Shepherd, the Sheep Hear His Voice and follow (John 10:1-21)

  11. The Bible/ Day 20- “Follow The Way of Wisdom” (Proverbs 2:12-22, Matthew 14:1-21, & Genesis 40-41:40

    The Bible/ Day 20- “Follow The Way of Wisdom” (Proverbs 2:12-22, Matthew 14:1-21, & Genesis 40-41:40

  12. DAY 120: A DEFEATED ENEMY (Colossians 2:15)Submit to God, and the Devil will Flee from You-James 4:7

    DAY 120: A DEFEATED ENEMY (Colossians 2:15)Submit to God, and the Devil will Flee from You-James 4:7

  13. Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

    Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

  14. "Unveiling Truth: Exploring Revelation 2 and the Spiritual Landscape of the Church"

    "Unveiling Truth: Exploring Revelation 2 and the Spiritual Landscape of the Church"

  15. The Chosen S3, E5- (Luke 8:40-56) -"The Woman is Healed, and Jarius' Daughter is Raised"

    The Chosen S3, E5- (Luke 8:40-56) -"The Woman is Healed, and Jarius' Daughter is Raised"

  16. Job 16- "Job's Friends Are Bad Comforters"- Job: "The Lord Has Rejected Me"

    Job 16- "Job's Friends Are Bad Comforters"- Job: "The Lord Has Rejected Me"

  17. Prophecy Friday- DANIEL CHAPTERS 8-9 Study- See Write Up & Notes- (Ram-Goat- Visions- 70 Weeks) …

    Prophecy Friday- DANIEL CHAPTERS 8-9 Study- See Write Up & Notes- (Ram-Goat- Visions- 70 Weeks) …

  18. See Write Up:-“Ministered”- Before Abraham was “I AM” - Struggling with My Own Spiritual Warfare

    See Write Up:-“Ministered”- Before Abraham was “I AM” - Struggling with My Own Spiritual Warfare

  19. The Bible Day 69: “Redemption & Holiness”(Psalm 31:19-24, Mark 15:1-32, Leviticus 21-22)

    The Bible Day 69: “Redemption & Holiness”(Psalm 31:19-24, Mark 15:1-32, Leviticus 21-22)

  20. DAY 89: "REVENGE" (Romans 12:19-21)- "REVENGE VS SELF DEFENSE"

    DAY 89: "REVENGE" (Romans 12:19-21)- "REVENGE VS SELF DEFENSE"

  21. Stephen The First Martyr (Acts 6, & 7)- The Parable of the Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-44)

    Stephen The First Martyr (Acts 6, & 7)- The Parable of the Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-44)

  22. Acts 3 Study- A Lame Man Is Healed: Jesus Gives us Spiritual Wealth…

    Acts 3 Study- A Lame Man Is Healed: Jesus Gives us Spiritual Wealth…

  23. 20,000 Persecuted Christians in Nicomedia 303AD/Faith's Hope, and The Cost of Discipleship ...

    20,000 Persecuted Christians in Nicomedia 303AD/Faith's Hope, and The Cost of Discipleship ...
