MEL K | The Puppet Masters that are Secretly Controlling the World - World Economic Forum, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, Barrack Obama - Conspiracy Conversations (EP #30) with David Whited
MEL K | The Puppet Masters that are Secretly Controlling the World - World Economic Forum, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, Barrack Obama - Conspiracy Conversations (EP #30) with David Whited
Banking Crisis | Did Joe Biden Just Nationalize the Banking Industry? Did Obama Nationalize Medicine? Did March Towards Marxism and Digital Dictatorship Just Become a SPRINT!!! With Special Guests Mel K and Doctor Jim Meehan
Illegals are Bringing Diseases into the United States - Michael Yon; Murthy v. Missouri - Tracy Beanz; Jerome Powell Says Banks will FAIL - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Barack Obama Meets with U.K. Prime Minister - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show