Huawei " 6G: The Next Horizon 2021 "6G will serve as a distributed neural network that provides communication links to fuse the physical and cyber worlds"
how many "truther" "Good Dr's" have figured out yet that the Jabbed people are the 6G nano-network that they are building! 6G Infastructure All Jabbed people have nano-devices inside them and are now walking 6G antennas 📡
@zeee_media We are watching very closely 👀 and hoping to see more about the Itu-IMT-2030-6G-IOBNT-BIOCONVERGANCE Come Out Of Your Channel Really Soon! ⏲️
(6G Nano-networks, Bio-Nano Internet Of Things) - Information and communication theory with biochemical and molecular components for biological Sensing And Control | ITU Journal | Webinar