The 144 Coded Should Know This.. it's Time Now—REALLY! Your Twin Flame Lies within the 6D Version of You; + The 0D, and WE in 5D Regurgitates This Info to Help Further Inner-Standing! | Matías De Stefano's YouTube Channel in Description ⬇
Sarah Elkhaldy Talks Freewill, the Separation of the Old and New Earth (AKA 3D <–> 5D Timelines Split), Relationships/Intimacy, Activism, Magic Mushrooms, Dimensions, and More on the "Pretty Intense" Podcast!
Pres. Trump to BLOW the Lid Off JFK Assassination.. For REAL This Time!! At Least That’s What He Says in Latest Interview! (6/20/24) — All-In Podcast | WE in 5D: PODCASTS AND INDEPENDENT MEDIA IS EXACTLY [AND ALMOST ONLYYY] WHAT HE SHOULD BE DOING‼
"If You’re Dealing with a..." [All 12 Signs] 🃏🎴🀄️ Late-January 2024 Tarot Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) | WE in 5D: I Broke My Rule.. I'm Leaving This Open Until I Decide What I'm Revamping in Our Locals Community.
Parts Work: What is Parts Work and How To Do It — Teal Swan | WE in 5D: I'm gonna go ahead and place the bet that this could be the most important video my "Locals Constellation" could view in 2025. #InnerWork
Keylontic Science: Ashayana Deane Details Ascension Mechanics 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT (2010 Classic Interview By Kerry Cassidy) | WE in 5D: It's THESE Types of Interviews Which Make Kerry Cassidy a Legend—NOT Her "Q" Trippin!!
LIVESTREAM –9/20/24– @ 9PM EST: WE in 5D and Aethereal Alchemist Discuss The Soulless [Backdrop/Background Characters] –Or– #TheBackfillPeople, Some of Trump's Acts of Kindness So Often Missed By the Spiritual Community ITSELF, and More!
Energy Vampires and Their Effect on Your Physical Health, What About The New Earth/5D?, Dealing with Social Media, The Prayer of Divine Love, and More! ꧁ Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. on Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation ꧂