New Footage Shows Capitol Police Identifying Feds and Posing as ANTIFA at J6 | FBI Murders Elderly Man in Utah "Threatening" Regime | No Fair Trials for Political Dissidents as Indictments Continue | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Sarah McAbee
Are They Using Weather Events to Implement Global Control in the United States | CCP Agents Embedded in New York Politics are Being Revealed in Indictments | Ultra Processed Foods are Causing America's Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Aila Wang
Children's Hospital Kidnaps Sick 4 Year Old From Parents' Authority for Case Study | Militant Islamists are Setting Up in Our Country Through Southern Border | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Hope Schacter
Woke Bud Light and Big Corporations Declare War on Conservative Consumers with Transvestites | The Battle for Vaccine Victims Continues | Transgender Protestors Attack Conservatives | Carolyn Blakeman, Dan Watkins, Kelley Collins, Michael Hamilton
Coup Puppet VP Kamala Harris and Media Attempt to Erase Past Actions in Biden Administration | Wall Street Regulators Hold Citizens, Active Duty and Veterans' $MMTLP Investments Hostage | Miles Guo Trial Ends and Reveals CCP Grip on American Press |
Kamala Harris Gaslights Trump Haters Ahead of Election Day Amid New Military Power Expansion | Tim Walz Blocked Veterans from Receiving Treatment | Independent Media Faces Long Road Ahead with Online Platforms | Commander J.B. Wells (Retired), Jeff Dornik