R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #97 -- August 29th, 2023). Founding Chair: V. Zelenko z"l (USA). Seminar Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits (USA), B. Saltzberg (USA), F. Zelenko (USA). Speaker: A. Abadi (USA)
R&B Monthly Seminar: Jewish Roots Of Land Of Israel Arabs ("Palestinians") (Episode #1 -- Monday, June 6th, 2022/Sivan 8, 5782). Chair: Mr. Tsvi Misinai
Shabbat Bible Study: The Tribulation, The Great Tribulation, The Rapture (7th Trumpet Resurrection), The 1000 Year Reign of Christ, The Final Armageddon, The Great White Throne Judgment, The New Heavens & New Earth All Found In Isaiah Chapters 24-30
University of Tennessee Knoxville: Rowdy Crowd, Rebuking Hypocrites, Contending with Homosexuals & Skeptics, One Sinner Throws Water All Over Me, Another Sinner Steals My Hat, Demon Possessed Student Screams & Writhes On The Ground, Wild Day!
Weekend Update: 3 More University Newspaper Articles Cover My Preaching, Students Create Cartoon of Me, Divine Re-direction To Ellensburg, Only Two More Weeks Left In My Spring Semester Preaching Tour
Univ of Vermont: A Wicked Jezebel Female Student Confronts Me, I Rebuke Her & Tell Her To Shut Her Mouth, This Draws A Crowd of 70-75 Students Encircling Me, One of THE MOST Mocking & Vile Crowds EVER, I Shake The Dust Off My Feet And Leave!!!