5 years ago5 WAYS to BOOST SELF-CONFIDENCE | Giving Away Self-Esteem Gets You MORE BACK! - 030dogelord
5 years agoMASTER your EMOTIONS - You Never Have to Act on How You FEEL! 3 TIPS to STFU! - 026dogelord
5 years agoPERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY vs VICTIMHOOD - Peter's ABC's to Taking Control of Your LIFE! - 024dogelord
5 years agoHOW to RE-PROGRAM the PAINS of the PAST! - 10 Steps to Freeing your Future from your PAST! - 021dogelord
5 years ago[Things You Didn't Learn in School] - COMPLETE! | Next Up - HUNTING for Venture Capital! - 072dogelord
5 years ago3 TYPES OF FRIENDS - 2 TRAPS to AVOID! - The Value of Friendship is LIFE-GIVING! - 062dogelord
5 years agoThe Way to Freedom is Accountability - Free Yourself from Bondage and Chains! - 064dogelord
5 years agoYOUR FRIENDS = YOUR FUTURE - You're the average of those around you... Time to Level Up? - 065dogelord
5 years agoRead the Bible. Seriously. It'll Make You a Better (All Around) Person & My 3 Reasons - 066dogelord
5 years ago7 MONEY LESSONS that Guarantee a Better Life & Freedom! | You Didn't Learn these in School! - 067dogelord
5 years agoSEEK to UNIFY - PRIDE DIVIDES! - Forgive First, then Discuss | Picking Sides Removes Peace - 055dogelord
5 years agoOperate from Your Highest Values to Truly Live! | What are your highest values? - 056dogelord
5 years agoHow to Be Like the 1% - The Most Powerful Principle of Wealth Building! | VALUE WEALTH! - 057dogelord
5 years agoThe [REAL] Law of Attraction APPLIED! - How it WORKS! - See, Engage, Leverage! - 058dogelord
5 years agoWHY GRATITUDE & CONTENTMENT are DAILY LIFE SAVERS! - Saves my life every single day! - 051dogelord
5 years agoNEVER UNDERESTIMATE HOW WRONG YOU CAN BE! - 3 Ways to Reduce the Pain of Being Wrong! - 053dogelord