11/11/24 RINOS attempt to block appts. RFK Jr suggests 600 fired! Spirit Airline shot up in Haiti. Harmon, new border czar is lethal for them! Unhinged mental illness on the left! Cahn prophecy is stunning!
1/03/24 Intelligence agent planted in our movement? Epstein released list, chaos on twitter! Surprising attack on Patriots! Question everything! Obama’s movie has hidden frequencies!
12/4/23 Resolution Before Congress states Anti-Zionism is Anti-semitism! Taylor Swift Illuminati pawn? Price of fame & what constitutes a REAL selling of ones soul vs. lip service!
2/13/24 Delving into the psychology of Phil Godlewski’s manipulation, the depth of his massive properties & fraud, & the idea that there are more infiltrators in our movement than we thought! Is a new level of authentic truthers uniting?