BRICS | General Flynn & Andy Schectman | BRICS | The Collapse of the Dollar...Little By Little Since 1971...Then All At Once...Is De-Dollarization Happening NOW?! Are CBDCs Around the Corner? What Are Bail-Ins?
General Flynn | The Great Collapse | What Is a Black Swan Event? Russia Claims US, UK & Ukraine Behind the Attack, Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, Collapse of Diddy’s House of Cards, Hamas, Red Heifers, & Dollar Collapse
General Flynn Weekly Updates: Trump Versus CNN & Biden Debate, Trump’s VP Pick, + Dollar Collapse As World Returns to Gold Standard + "We Will Work to Liberate Countries from Western Hegemony.” - Russia Foreign Minister
Golden Rule | "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules." | Why Did the Bank of International Settlements Make Gold a Tier One Asset In 2019? "Since WWII There Has Been One Tier One Asset, the U.S. Dollar." - Schectman + Kiyosaki
BRICS | "Dollar Is a Dangerous Currency. See What Happened to the Russian Reserves. It Has Been Weaponized By the U.S. BRICS Can Provide An Alternative." - Paulo Batista Jr. (Former IMF Director)
BRICS | Here Is Your Sign?| Why Are 126 Nations Meet To Discuss Ditching Dollar? | Why Are Bloomberg & Wallstreet Journal Reporting Gold to Hit $3K Per Ounce? BRICS Pay In Final Development Stage? Buffett BOA Sell-Off?
Stock Market Crash | "Since Mid July, Total Market Cap Losses Are In Excess of $5 Trillion Dollar. On Monday the Dow Jones Crashed More Than 2.7%. S&P Dropped 3.1%. Full Time Employment Is Dropping." - Lena Petrova CPA