Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Oh btw I’m building a cyborg dragon." - Elon Musk -4/25/24 + Discover 42 Alarming X Posts Related to Elon Musk | Rev: 12:9, Rev: 16-12-14, Daniel 2:42-43 + Why Does Elon Musk Post, "Deus X Machina"?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Simultaneously? Immanuel Macron, Yuval Noah Harari, Musk, War In Israel, Macron Calls for New World Order, Macron Hosts Israel / Hamas War Humanitarian Conference (See Description)
Kim Clement | Kim Clement Prophecies + An Interview w/ Jane & Donné Clement Petruska | Trump Shall Become a Trumpet, I Will Put At Your Helm for Two Terms a President That Will Pray, A Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & Will America ReAwaken In Time?
34 Biblical Prophecies Coming to Pass Simultaneously? | Is Christ Returning Soon? Are 34 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now? (READ THE SHOW DESCRIPTION)