(Adam) Man (is) (Seth) appointed (Enosh) mortal (Kenan) sorrow; (but) (Mahalalel) the Blessed God (Jared) shall come down (Enoch) teaching (that) (Methuselah) His death shall bring (the) (Lamech) despairing (Noah) rest.
FOC Show: WARNING for Those in These Danger Areas - Dr. Jason Dean; Greg Reese; Project Veritas Latest Move in the Fight Against Pfizer - Breanna Morello
FBI Pursuing Iranian Assassin Wanted - Anthony Tata; Trump on Deportation; NY AG Target Meat Companies - JD Rucker; AOC was Chased by Leftie Protesters | The Breanna Morello Show
FOC Show: Everything You Need to Know about What is Going on in the News: Jack Teixeira; Ukraine; Biden Administration; Alvin Bragg - Breanna Morello; Do you FEEL Your Best EVERY Day? - Dr. “So Good” Sherwood
FOC Show: Why is this Such a Top Priority for our Federal Government? - Breanna Morello; Joe Rogan Grills Vaccine Pusher, Dr. Hotez - Dr. Mark Sherwood
FOC Show: 3 Essential Ways to Protect Yourself from CBDCs and BRICS - Clay Clark; There's Something They're Trying To Distract Us From. What is it? - Breanna Morello
FOC Show: WHAT IS GOING ON? Kelly Meggs, January 6, Joy Behar, Fox News, Target - Breanna Morello; Why Does the Christian Army Tend to Shoot Fellow Soldiers? - Jackson Lahmeyer
DOJ CORRUPTION | Internal FBI Disciplinary Records - FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend; Breonna Taylor’s Ex is on the Run - Sgt. John Mattingly; Appealing Proud Boys Sentencing - The Breanna Morello Show
FOC Show: Glenn: What YOU should do as the price of EVERYTHING rises; State of the Union Gaffes - Breanna Morello; Globalist Attempt to Block YOU from God - Dr. Jason Dean