R&B Weekly Course: R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship (Class #2/14 -- Sunday, June 23rd, 2024). Subject: "Growing Global Movement of PRO-Jewish, PRO-Israel and PRO-American Arabs and Muslims Worldwide"
R&B Monthly Seminar: "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963" (Episode #1 -- Monday, June 27th, 2022/Sivan 28, 5782). Co-Author: Mr. Steve Rodan
R&B Monthly Seminar: "Mavericks and Outliers" (Episode #4 -- Wednesday, July 13th, 2022/Tammuz 15, 5782). Chair: Betsie Saltzberg. Guest Speakers: J. Broadbent, M. Poldruti, D.R. Roberts, J. and E. Stover
R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Episode #43 -- Wednesday, June 8th, 2022/Sivan 9, 5782) Chair: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest: Abba Horowitz. Topic: "Going Up to the Temple Mount"
R&B Weekly Seminar: Medical War Crimes (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode #41 -- Wednesday, May 25th, 2022/Iyar 24, 5782) Chair: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Topic: "Taking Out The Trash"