2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --067- GabberBeastTV new Orb video on Lazy NZ Sunday and Look over UFO vidsThe Out There Channel
2 years agoLive Chat with Paul; -109- Analysing Corbells Silver Orb + Did Paul Capture a Shadow EntityThe Out There Channel
4 years agoMid-Week (USA Wed) Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - DOT UFOs+Mars Pyramids+GLARE] - OT Chan Live#300The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --086- Solid Proof of Paranormal at Pauls House + Rolling Shutter motionThe Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --092- Did Secureteam really admit to Faking + Pauls Ghostcam latestThe Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --075- Trees on Mars + Angels in Space . UAPs and AliensThe Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --072- UFO topics + vids then part 2 Interview with 18wheelsThe Out There Channel
4 years agoSecureteam Owes me $1 million USD as per what he said on C2C AM 05 Jan 2019The Out There Channel
3 years agoMid-Week Live UFO Chat - Secureteam10 confesses to Fraud June + Texas Sounds etc) - OT Chan Live#267The Out There Channel
3 years agoSecureteam exposed update and Privacy! - UAP videos analysis and Space Topics - OT Chan Live-448The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --077- Secureteam's Artifact UFOs Part3 + Ancient Stones with UFOs and GreysThe Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - MUFON Tear UAP Update + Bledsoe UAP ++] - OT Chan Live#308The Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday UFO vids -Debrief UAP Solved+TPOM hoaxing Live event 2018 Re-visit etc ] - OT Chan Live#348The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul - 036 - Who are the Felon-5 of Ufology, are you part of UfoologyThe Out There Channel
3 years agoUFO vid Catch-Up with Paul - More Analysis to figure out Inter dimensional being] - OT Chan Live-392The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --048- Mick West the StarMan + Other UFO vids + newsThe Out There Channel
3 years agoSecureteam 10 caught Faking Again! Aug 2021 - Portals and UFOs - OT Chan Live-433The Out There Channel