The Great Reset | You Would Not BELIEVE the Agenda Unless I Showed It to You "COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance and It Makes Surveillance Go UNDER YOUR SKIN" + Bill Gates, CBDCs, Why Bluetooth Links to the COVID-19 Shots
The Great Reset | "We Want to Rewire the Entire Global Financial System for Net Zero." - Rishi Sunak (World Economic Forum Member and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Just As God In the Bible Designs and Creates Animals and Planets and Humans According to His Wishes, Now We Are Learning How to Design and to Create Life."
Dr. Eric Nepute | CBDCs | What Is the Connection Between CBDCs and Vaccine Passports? | "CBDCs, What Is It Actually Going to Look Like? It Will be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
Peter Navarro | “We Have MAGA. Now With RJK Jr. Teaming Up, We Have MAHA.” - Peter Navarro + Should Jack Smith & Fauci Be Bunk Mates In Prison? | “The Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System.” - Navarro + Dr. Judy Mikovits