130 LARGE CCNEWS FLASH ARHAT 3PM -OXYGEN REQUIRED... NO POPCORN ALLOUD... 141608052024 -whinerer HARry AND kHARLES Have an interchange but spoke mass candle
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) Why we should all consider ourselves LUCKY that CO2 levels and TEMPS are rising again!! -- Find Links to Many More Climate Crime Vids in Description Underneath the Video
VIDEO 214 HIGH RES B -UPDATE 13/14/15/16 trump trumps 1616 134005102024 8/9/10/11 /12@121405102024 1-11 0955/1019 WORRY ABOUT IT LATER STUPIDITY OF DONALD TRUMP 0917/2305102024 SKRUBBER FOREIGN MINISTER PLAYS SNAP WITH JAISHANK