Clay Clark Employee Testimonial | "It's Very Upbeat & Positive! It's Always Goal Driven. Clay Clark Is Always Accessible to Help You!" + See Clay Clark Client Success Stories HERE:
Bribe Money, ESSER Funding, & The Crooked Government-Public School Cartel. Where Did All Your Tens of Billions of Tax Dollars From the Covid Con Go? | Emily Peterson and Rachel Cadena
Business Conference | How Super Successful People Get So Much Done with Jay Papasan the co-author of the NY Times Bestselling Book, The One Thing + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec. 5-6 Business Workshop!
Roseanne | 1998 Roseanne Interview With Donald J. Trump: How He Became a Billionaire, Value to Real Estate, Real Estate As Art, Work Ethic, the Mindset Needed to Succeed & Why Money Is a Score Card + Interview With Kiyosaki