3 years agoOther #targetedindividuals believe the lies #gangstalkers falsely make about me. Have discernment!TargetedCreole
3 years agoFeeling a little bit better. Depressed & Venting. Thanks for listening to me. 02/04/2022 Pt. 3TargetedCreole
3 years agoYOU decide whether or not I'm speaking the truth or talking crazy nonsense! 😼TargetedCreole
3 years agoI don't want to end up in hell for eternity, behind fighting with these Gang Stalkers!TargetedCreole
3 years agoSo... Joy, happiness & a desire to live, are considered crimes of the Targeted Individuals?TargetedCreole
3 years agoWhy won't the Body of Christ help people out of poverty? Christians #christian - I need help ASAP!TargetedCreole
3 years agoStill no luck with jobs. Homeless Targeted Individual. Professed Christians won't even help me.TargetedCreole
3 years agoSupervisors defending the narcissistic coworker. Workplace Mobbing. I'm tempted to want to QUIT!TargetedCreole
3 years agoMy online Gang Stalking documentation 12/18/2021. I don't have to go to the library today!TargetedCreole