Aliens & UFO's + Angels, Humans, and Demons; Enoch and Tarot! (8/13/23) — More for the Spiritual Than for the Only-Just-Awakening Lower Vibrational [SJW "Truther" (A Lower-Level Phase of the Awakening Process)]. | Michael Mirdad
One-World-Religion NOW Being Prepared! + Quantum Timelines (Personal and/or Individual, Collective, and the Merging of Timelines), Human Origins, and “Armageddon” (The Final Battle). | Gregg Braden
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, and You Have, But the Outcome is Yours. | Gregg Braden
Late Night LIVESTREAM 3/10/24 | 30 Min Solo with Me “WE” Before Connecting with Perseus of Indie R for a Double Livestream: My Past (and Future) Lives and How They’re Pertinent to THIS Life, Astrological Events, Space Weather, and Much More!
Conducting Diplomatic Negotiations Between Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrials | Chris O'Connor Interviewed by Michael Salla on "Exopolitics Today"
FULL: GOP Debate (8/23/23) — The Just-For-Show “Auditions” for 2028, with Vivek Ramaswamy Not Only Coming Out on Top, But Proving to Have the Most Integrity, Most Authenticity, Most Charisma, is an Outsider, and was the Most Conscious Human!
SPIN | Exposing Illuminati-Control Over Republican & Democrat Parties Alike, AND RELIGION. An Era Where the Illuminati Primarily (Not Exclusively) Functioned Thru the Republican Party! + “Fake” White House’s for TV are NOT New, Foolish Q-Heads!
FLASHBACK: I'm Not a Blaire White Fan (Nor Detractor), But I'm a Fan of Blaire Putting the Egomaniacal, Vengeful, and Now Today [Mossad-Employed], Candace Owens IN HER RIGHTFUL PLACE. (11/7/17)
UFO's, ET's, Ancient Egypt, The Secret Mystery Schools, The Annunaki, Hidden Knowledge, The Poverty Consciousness of the Supposedly “Conscious” or Awake, and a Lot More! | Billy Carson with Ralph Smart of Infinite Waters
Enki's Plan: America — From Enki's Gift to Enki’s Plan; with His Belief in Freedom it’s Said That America is Ultimately HIS Experiment! | The US is NOT a Judeo-Christian (Oxymoron) Nation as ‘Judeo’ Arguably Implies [Ancient Knowledge]
Roseanne and Jim Breuer Keeping' it Real! | WE in 5D: Roseanne's Most Recent Interview was with Candace Owens—Look for it on Her Channel; I Myself Wasn't Interested, so I Bring You This Instead!