FULL: Donald Trump and Grant Cardone Discuss Trump 2024 Presidential Plans (9/12/23) | WE in 5D: FINALLY! Doing Populous Type Shows!! STOP DOING THE ESTABLISHMENT GARBAGE SHOWS!!!
FULL: Kelly Interviews Trump (9/13/23) — Sadly Ruins a Great Recent Track Record, with What Sounds Like Praise for Fauci and Pigheadedness Over the Vaccine [Again]. Not to Mention, Why Would You Interview with This Failed Establishment Wind-Checker?
FULL: Donald Trump Interview on "Meet the Press" (9/17/23) | WE in 5D: ANOTHER Poor Choice by Trump to go on Non-Populous Media, with an NPC Railroading Interviewer Doing "What-Aboutism"; for NPC's by NPC's.
Russell Brand Allegedly Raped Numerous Women. WELL, ALLEGEDLY, BLUE BLOOD "ELITES" RAPE MINORS AS A LIFESTYLE. | Here are the Letters That Blue Bloods and Totalitarians Sent Rumble, and Here's Rumble's Superb Response!
President Trump’s Statement on Latest Sham-Indictment, the Latest on Ron DeSantis’ Campaign, Roger Stone Flashback on Bill Maher, + What if RFK Jr. Runs as an Independent?.. Roger Stone's Opinion on Who Does it Benefits!
Roseanne Barr Podcast (Episode 18): A Course in Miracles Teacher and Democratic Presidential Candidate, Marianne Williamson! | WEin5D: She is Ignorant/in Denial of the Illuminati Thus is Useless in a Political Position Despite Her Admirable Spirituality.