Beneath Sheep's Clothing | The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America -- Find links to more related documentaries underneath the video in the description box
'Prophetic Word Released, Spiritual Significance on Trump Assassination Attempt, and The State of the Church' Guest, Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (July 15, 2024)
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 01/2/25 What Does the Bible Have to Say About Elon Musk's Fourth Industrial Revolution? Rev 18:22, Rev 17: 12-13, Rev 6:1-2, Rev 13: 16-18, Rev 13:13, Rev 16:12-14, Daniel 2:43
Self Proclaimed MAP Gets Caught Meeting LIVE DECOY at the park, Cries and Plays Pity Like a Bitch, Then Admits to Countless porn images of TODDLERS ARRESTED (Middletown, New York)