"If You Want it You've Already Got it. If You Thought it, it Better Be What You Want! If You Feel it, IT MUST BE REAL..." (Law of Attraction) —Madonna. "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" (3D ⬌ 5D) —Dolores Cannon.
I Must ASSUME the Only Difference Between the Illuminati and the White Hats is That the White Hats Don't Contract Souls in Blood Signature............... They Might as Well! What's the Difference? Don Stuck Under [Contract] #OldAgeOfPiscesRules
"Sound of Freedom" [and Qtard Victim-Mentality] EXPOSED..?... — If So, This Becomes Evidence for What is Already True: Both Black and White Hats WORK to Manipulate Reality as THEY See Fit. If That Works for You, You're as Good as an NPC!