10 months ago#mercuryretrograde messages #firesigns- get rid of this person NOW leave quietlyReadings From Neptune Tarot
11 months agoFull moon in virgo messages #fullmooninvirgo #fullmoon #snowmoon these people need to stop fr frReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#aries♈️ #ariesseason ♈️🎆🐏💐this season baby, you show stopping and living your best lifeReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#cancer #ariesseason -this person is using children to manipulate youReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#sagittarius #ariesseason-problems because of love and money are on the forefrontReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#leo #ariesseason- this bozo went to the crossroad again wild emotionsReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#taurus #ariesseason this season you are shedding the old and coming out new if you want toReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#scorpio #ariesseason -this person believes you should be giving them moneyReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#pisces #ariesseason -you got this fake friend in the midst; he is def cheatingReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#capricorn #ariesseason someone went to the crossroads and is mad your still leavinReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#virgo #ariesseason leaving this person behind for what they about to get caught up inReadings From Neptune Tarot
9 months agofire signs weekly, the truth shall set you free but it will piss you offReadings From Neptune Tarot
7 months agoLeo cancer season messages-someone is mad you are still getting your blessingsReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#firesigns #aries #leo #sagittarius weekly reading stay off social media and ghostReadings From Neptune Tarot
10 months ago#watersigns #cancer #pisces #scorpio #weeklymessages watch out for this snakeReadings From Neptune Tarot