1. HoMM VI - In the Wake of Adversity (1 - 1/x, Necropolis)

    HoMM VI - In the Wake of Adversity (1 - 1/x, Necropolis)

  2. HoMM VI - Another Spellcaster Dynasty Weapon? (1 - 2/x, Necropolis)

    HoMM VI - Another Spellcaster Dynasty Weapon? (1 - 2/x, Necropolis)

  3. HoMM VI - Taking down Sanctuary (3 - 2/3, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Taking down Sanctuary (3 - 2/3, Inferno)

  4. HoMM VI - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (4 - 1/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (4 - 1/x, Inferno)

  5. HoMM VI - Cleave and Good Morale (4 - 2/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Cleave and Good Morale (4 - 2/x, Inferno)

  6. HoMM VI - In the Forests of the Night (3 - 1/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - In the Forests of the Night (3 - 1/x, Inferno)

  7. HoMM VI - Demons can have bad morale? (2 - 3/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Demons can have bad morale? (2 - 3/x, Inferno)

  8. HoMM VI - End of the Spider Cult (2 - 4/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - End of the Spider Cult (2 - 4/x, Inferno)

  9. HoMM VI - Another boss battle, this time a spider aspect (2 - 5/5, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Another boss battle, this time a spider aspect (2 - 5/5, Inferno)

  10. HoMM VI - Legion of pain's pain (1 - 3/4, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Legion of pain's pain (1 - 3/4, Inferno)

  11. HoMM VI - A new Eduardo, the Sonic Boom appears! (2 - 2/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - A new Eduardo, the Sonic Boom appears! (2 - 2/x, Inferno)

  12. HoMM VI - Toghrul? Hold my Azkaal (1 - 4/4, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Toghrul? Hold my Azkaal (1 - 4/4, Inferno)

  13. HoMM VI - Fearful Symmetry (2 - 1/x, Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Fearful Symmetry (2 - 1/x, Inferno)

  14. HoMM VI - Sieging the Hell (1 - 2/4 Inferno)

    HoMM VI - Sieging the Hell (1 - 2/4 Inferno)

  15. Part 8 - Forlorn Hound Evergaol & MORE - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

    Part 8 - Forlorn Hound Evergaol & MORE - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

  16. Part 59 - Dominula Windmill Village Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Build Guide

    Part 59 - Dominula Windmill Village Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Build Guide

  17. Part 62 - Seethwater Cave Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

    Part 62 - Seethwater Cave Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

  18. Part 63 - Volcano Cave Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Gameplay Guide

    Part 63 - Volcano Cave Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Gameplay Guide

  19. Part 66 - (lower) Ainsel River Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

    Part 66 - (lower) Ainsel River Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Playthrough

  20. Part 56 - Shaded Castle Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide

    Part 56 - Shaded Castle Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide

  21. Part 58 - Perfumer's Grotto Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide

    Part 58 - Perfumer's Grotto Walkthrough - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide

  22. Part 45 - Four Belfries Guide The ONLY good Belfry - Elden Ring Astrologer Walkthrough

    Part 45 - Four Belfries Guide The ONLY good Belfry - Elden Ring Astrologer Walkthrough

  23. Part 60 - Altus Tunnel Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Walkthrough

    Part 60 - Altus Tunnel Walkthrough - Elden Ring Mage Walkthrough

  24. Part 22 - DOMINATING Margit The Fell Omen - Elden Ring Astrologer Build Guide

    Part 22 - DOMINATING Margit The Fell Omen - Elden Ring Astrologer Build Guide

  25. Part 23 - Stormveil Castle Walkthrough #1 - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide

    Part 23 - Stormveil Castle Walkthrough #1 - Elden Ring Astrologer Guide
