ReAwaken America Las Vegas INDOOR Tour (August 25th-26th) LOGISTICS & SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED!!! 6 Days & 25 Tickets Remain Where to Park? What Time Do the Doors Open? What Is the Final Schedule? Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102
Birx Is Back!!! Why Did Newsmax Report, “Bird Flu Could Be '100 Times' Deadlier Than COVID?” Does Bird Flu = Pandemic Part Two? Doctor Sherwood Discusses Bird Flu Jackassery + ReAwaken Tour Heads to NC Oct 18-19
Marty Grisham | A Prayer for Those Have Been Deceived the Narrative of COVID-19 / The Great Reset | ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Tulare, CA (Dec 15th & 16th)!!!
Marty Grisham | A Prayer for Those Have Been Deceived the Narrative of COVID-19 / The Great Reset | ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Tulare, CA (Dec 15th & 16th)!!!
Lockdowns | Are More Lockdowns & Mask Mandates Around the Corner? Is Corporate Fear-Mongering Media Creating a Narrative for Another COVID-Justified Lockdown?
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Dollar Collapse | "America Printed the U.S. Dollar. We Controlled the World Currency. It's Been Very Nice. But, What Would Happen If It Ended?" - Tucker Carlson (April 5th 2023)
Peter Navarro | Josef Mengele Fauci’s Lie of Omission Kills Millions Worldwide + Peter Navarro Was the First White House Official to Call Out Communist CHINA's Involvement In COVID-19 In April of 2020!!!
Dr. Scott Jensen | Has America Been Played? Did Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma Effectively Deceive America? Exposing the TRIAD of Tyranny | The Truth About the COVID-19 Models, the COVID-19 Tests and the COVID-19 Shots