Elon Musk | Who Is Elon Musk?: Elon Musk Discusses: The Singularity, "There Is Some Chance That It Will End Humanity," + "Hopefully We Can Have An Outcome That Is Similar to the IAIN BANKS Culture Books."
mRNA | Self-Amplifying mRNA COVID Vaccine Approved for Mass Production | "Synthetic mRNA...It's Like a Computer Program. You Can Turn Someone Into a Butterfly." - Elon Musk + Why Is Elon Musk Meeting With Premier Li Qiang?
Port Strike | "Every Single Port Will Lock Down. What Is Going to Happen? Guys Who Sell Cars, Can't Sell Cars. Everything In the U.S. Comes In On A Ship." Harold Daggett (Leader ILA) + 50% of Imports Halt + BRICS 2025
Dedollarization | "BRICS Group Is Set to Introduce a Currency Backed By Gold." - RT News (7/3/23) + "The Reason Why I Call Its God's Money Is Because You Can't Fake It." - Robert Kiyosaki + "Russians Said the Currency Is