Alien Founders of Secret Societies (Full Documentary) | WE in 5D: NOTE—This is for Investigational/Sifting & Sorting Purposes ONLY. Do Not Dip into the Fear Mongering Vibration Which is the Marketing Factor of These Such Documentaries!
All The Presidents' Aliens (Full Documentary) | WE in 5D: NOTE—This is for Investigational/Sifting & Sorting Purposes ONLY. Do Not Dip into the Fear Mongering Vibration Which is the Marketing Factor of These Such Documentaries!
Timeline Theories: Frank Jacob on Journey to Truth Podcast EP 259 — Goes Off the Rails Around the 30 Min Mark, Starts to Make Some Good Sense at the 1 Hour Mark. | Note: The Only Timeline That Affects You is Yours, and Those of Others Whom You Allow to!
What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!