1 year agoThe Beam, Banayam and Tazadaq Mountain Biking Chorchan Park Trail War on Attrition#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoBike Trail in Hell Burning in the Sun Tortured on the Mountain Bike course Quarry's Edge Park#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoOn the Trail Mountain Biking at Cochran Hill Park Tazadaq Goes Over Handle Bars TDOC Music#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoMonogamy is against a man’s nature and his Reproductive Ability Stop making Him Lie#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoTDOC Recordings New Posotive Conscious Hip Hop Group That Make Truth Music " Interview"#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoStop Foreclosure Judicial or Non Judicial You have Options to Keep your Home Sue them and Win#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoIs the United States Really a Country What is united States of america the consent of the governed#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoLadies Would You Chose a High Value Male and Family Over a Career, Lonely Lifestyle and Dog?#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoSecured Party Creditor Tazadaq's Steps To Avoid Paying Parking Tickets United States And Canada#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoFeudal vs Allodial Titles Memorandum Of law This is Why You Will Never Own your Home, Land or Car#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoINCOME TAX Act totally constitutional For DEBTORS You are a Resident & They Hold Legal Title#TAZADOCTRINE