Business | Best-selling Co-Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Sharon Lechter On Why YOU CANNOT DELEGATE YOUR FINANCIALS + Why College Is Not a Good Idea for Most Entrepreneurs
Business | How to Introduce a New Product / Service to Marketplace + “All great ideas start as weird ideas. What now seems obvious, early on, is not obvious to anybody.” - Case (AOL Founder) + Success Story
Entrepreneur Podcasts | Why Idea Hopping Is Success Stopping + How Peter Taunton Evaluates Business Opportunities + The Founder Behind SnapFitness, 9Round, Fitness On Demand & + How to Scale a Fitness Business
Business Podcast | Proven Path to Sell More Products & Services Now + Celebrating, & 6 Clay Clark Client Case Studies + "Ideas Are Easy. Implementation Is Hard." - Guy Kawasaki
Ep. 97 ~ Bob Amsterdam is an international human rights lawyer who’s been banned from Russia by Vladimir Putin. He says Ukraine is the single most repressive country he’s been to. “The idea it’s a democracy is a farce.” Once again, they’re lyi