Yuval Noah Harari | If There Is a Nuclear War and Human Civilization Is Destroyed the Baboons Won't Survive That, But the Rats Will Survive." + "When the Flood Comes, the Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for the Elite Leaving the Res
Charlie Kirk | Dear, Charlie Kirk- Why Is Elon Musk Advocating for Carbon Taxes, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Shots, Transhumanism & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Who Is Elon Musk? “There Will Come a Time When No Job Is Needed.”
Andy Schectman | “Bank Term Funding Program Just Expired & We Just Witnessed First Bail-In.” Trump Says Losing Dollar As World Reserve Currency Is Worse Than Losing a War? “Moment of Truth Is Coming.” - Putin 11/7/24
Elon Musk & Rishi Sunak | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. We Will Have Universal High Income. It Will Be Somewhat of a Leveler. One of the Challenges of the Future Is How Do We Find Meaning In Life." - Elon Musk (11/2/23)
#246 Anarchy Arizona Makes Headlines YET AGAIN! The Circus Is Coming To Town & All The Fake "Leaders" Will Be On Display! They Endorsed Jeff Dimwit In '23...Where's Their Endorsement Of The BEST Candidate In History...O'CONNOR