2 years ago🔥Fire Signs: ♈️Aries, ♌️Leo, ♐️Sagittarius:🗣️Their Feelings for you! 🌟[♏️ Scorpio Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago09-25-2023 Discussion with Taino from Unit 374 - Colorado Update, ACIO Intel and DisclosureJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
9 months agoEpisode #55 Shadow Self False Awakening Nuclear Elements Biden Gates Musk China Farmland The MythiUSFDET/QForce
2 years ago🔥Fire Signs: ♈️ Aries, ♌️ Leo, ♐️ Sagittarius: 🗣️Their Feelings for you! 🌟[♎️ Libra Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago🌟 ♋️ Cancer: Their Feelings for you...BONUS: "Beautiful TWIN-FLAME LOVE" [♍️ Virgo Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago🌬 Air Signs: ♊️ Gemini, ♎️ Libra, ♒️ Aquarius: Their Feelings for you! [♍️ Virgo Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♐️ Sagittarius: They want a LIFE with you; you want FREEDOM to do you; the truth will be revealed!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♈️ Aries: They're STUCK in love & undergoing MAJOR changes with their mentality & outlook on LOVE!MarveMadameTarot
1 year agoChilly Spooktober Afternoon. Let's play some Mass Effect Andromeda, it's growing on me. (part 4?)Synthmage Evenglare
1 year ago♉️ Taurus: They kick, scream & BEG to be by your side; but when it's time to step up they RUN! 👟MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♑️ Capricorn: They're FIGHTING to hold on to you; they want your love & your one day at a time!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♎️ Libra: They fight you constantly & stir sh*t up because they can't HAVE YOU; you walked away!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♋️ Cancer: You're walking into the LIFE you deserve & dumped them; they REFUSE to let you be happy!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♋️ Cancer: The DEVIL done fell in LOVE (Part 2); they completely underestimated their LOVE for you!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago10-10-2022 Discussion with Navy Veteran Mike - Bigfoot encounters, Yucca Mt. and moreJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
2 years ago10-14-2022 Life with a Cosmos Clearance (Book) - Discussion with Daniel & Derek - CIA VeteranJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
2 years ago08-23-2022 Discussion with Gail of Gaia - Wellness, Health & TechnologiesJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
2 years ago06-04-2022 Andronetalks News - Bilderberg meeting taking place as we speakJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
1 year ago07-10-2023 Discussion with Taino from Unit 374 - Missions, Colorado, ACIO Intel, @TheGalacticTalkJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
1 year ago08-17-2023 Discussion with Taino from Unit 374 - They Cloned Tyrone, Black Rose Program, ColoradoJessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks