1. 01.08.2023 (AM) 1 Thessalonians 3 | Bad Things to Expect When You Become a Christian | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

    01.08.2023 (AM) 1 Thessalonians 3 | Bad Things to Expect When You Become a Christian | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

  2. 11.13.2022 (PM) Exodus 3b | The Great I AM | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

    11.13.2022 (PM) Exodus 3b | The Great I AM | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

  3. 12.18.2022 (AM) Acts 20: Things Jesus Became So We Could Gain (Part 1) | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

    12.18.2022 (AM) Acts 20: Things Jesus Became So We Could Gain (Part 1) | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

  4. 10.27.2022 1 Corinthians 10: Written for Our Admonition | Brother Ulises Hernandez, First Works Baptist Church

    10.27.2022 1 Corinthians 10: Written for Our Admonition | Brother Ulises Hernandez, First Works Baptist Church

  5. 12.14.2022 Exodus 7: The First Plague - Water Turned to Blood | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

    12.14.2022 Exodus 7: The First Plague - Water Turned to Blood | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

  6. 12.08.2022 | 2 Samuel 9: The Kindness of the King | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

    12.08.2022 | 2 Samuel 9: The Kindness of the King | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

  7. 12.25.2022 (AM) Luke 2: The Incarnation of Christ | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

    12.25.2022 (AM) Luke 2: The Incarnation of Christ | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

  8. 01.12.2023 | 2 Samuel 14 | David's Partial Reconciliation | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

    01.12.2023 | 2 Samuel 14 | David's Partial Reconciliation | Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church

  9. 01.11.2023 | Hebrews 2b | Jesus Tasted Death (hell) for Every Man | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church

    01.11.2023 | Hebrews 2b | Jesus Tasted Death (hell) for Every Man | Pastor Aaron Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church
