Diplomatic Letter From an Inner-Earth Draco Reptilian on Humanity’s Potential, and Overcoming Duality. | George Kavassilas on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" (Part 2)
Stargate Continuum (2008 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure | Summary: Ba'al travels back in time and erases the Stargate programme from history, leaving the team in an alternate reality which they must navigate to restore the correct timeline.
SIGHTINGS: A CIA 1953 LSD Experiment Goes WRONG, an Update on the Largest Sighting in History, Do Twins Share a Bond That Transcends Death?, Animals & Telepathy, and More! (S3 E19) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
SIGHTINGS: Australian UFO Abduction, Physically Violent Spirit/Ghost Driving Family Out of Their Home, Does Earth Want Us to Change/Gaia's Revenge?, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
You're Trapped in a Fake World Until You Realize the "Trap" Has No Power Over You to Start with—In Other Words, the Only "Trap" is Believing You CAN Be Trapped at All! | Isabella Greene Interviewed By Jean Nolan (Inspired)