WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, CONVERTS & STOLEN SOMETHING THAT IS NOT YOURS: THE SONS OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out”🕎 Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Jewish Roots Of Land Of Israel "Arabs" ("Palestinians") Research Fellowship (Episode #17 -- Monday, January 27th, 2025). ChairMAN: MR. Tsvi Misinai (Rehovot, ERETZ YISRAEL)
Doctrines of Devils | (SHORT VERSION) Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Predict This Would Happen? | 1st Tim 4: "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, In the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of De