3 years agoLIVE: Khartoum / Sudan protesters mark anniv of 1964 Revolution with rally calling political changedemonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Deutschland - Kurdische Gemeinde fordert Freiheit für PKK-Führer - 27.11.2021demonstration
3 years agoWashington, D.C. - EXPERT PANEL ON MEDICAL MANDATES & VACCINE INJURIES - 02.11.2021demonstration
2 years agoStanding For Women Protest 👍 And Counter Demonstration For Trans-Rights😂 with AntifaTyrantFinderUK
3 years agoLjubljana Slovenia - anti-vaccination protest in front of the parliament - 20.10.2021demonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Dresden / Germany - Kundgebung zum 7-jährigen Bestehen von Pegida und linke Gegenprotestedemonstration