ep.6. EVIL rules all industries of this world. Spiritual warfare is on!!! A Jubilee will bring in a financial reset just like 2000 years ago. NESARA/GESARA is coming soon. XRP & XLM have a share in making the "SWIFT" banking system obsolete.
Dr. Simone Gold & Peter Navarro | How Will the Great Reset Impact Your Medical & Financial Freedoms? "We Are In the Process of Learning How to Create the First Inorganic Beings That Ever Existed. Humans Are Trying to Upgrade Themselves Into g
Dr. Simone Gold & Peter Navarro | Are We Losing Our Medical & Financial Freedoms? + "We Are In the Process of Learning How to Create the First Inorganic Beings That Ever Existed. Humans Are Trying to Upgrade Themselves Into Gods." - Yuv