President Trump's Epic Las Vegas Tour Including: Historic Meeting w/ Roger Stone, Dana White, Mark Wahlberg, Joe Rogan & His Interview w/ Wayne Allyn Root + Wayne Allyn Root Joins the ReAwaken Tour Las Vegas, Nevada!!! (589 TIX Remain for Vegas)
7 Year Tribulation | Are We Witnessing the Countdown to the Antichrist? | Why Did King Charles Help Turn On a Climate Clock Counting the Seconds Unto 2030? (June 28th 2023) (Daniel 9:27-27)
Amanda Grace | EXPOSING How Luciferian Lyrics, Satanic Songs & Politically Correct Pastors Are Opening Up Souls to Demonic Attacks While Pushing Mark of the Beast Technology
Doctor Bryan Ardis | Doctor Bryan Ardis Speaks At ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, Michigan! Join Navarro, Flynn, Eric Trump & Team America At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken! Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102
World War III | Is the Great War Post-Rapture War Close? Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? What Is Gog
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari a Fan of Hitler, Digital Dictatorships & Surveillance Under the Skin? Why Did Elon Musk Select a Member of the World Economic Forum to Lead Twitter?
BRICS | Why Has Price of Gold Gone from $409.53 In 2004 to $2,442.30 Per Ounce In 2024? Does Using Facts Make You a Whack-Job Conspiracy Theorist? The Numbers Don't Lie, But Does the Mainstream Media Lie?
Roman Empire | Is America Going the Way of the Roman Empire? + Nehemiah Strong with John Dyslin | Why We As Christians Must to Learn How to Build While Fighting + Why Did Zelenskyy Name Abramovic As An Ambassador to Ukraine?
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Malaria Cases In Florida & Texas?! Why Is Bill Gates Making 30 Million Mosquitos Per Week? Why Did Elon Musk Say This? “We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence.” + “Achieve Symbiosis w/ Artificial Intelligence
HOLLYWOOD | What Is the Purpose of HOLLYWOOD? Druid Priests & Wizards Used the Wood of a Holly Tree to Craft Magic Wands. The Concept of “The Magic of HOLLYWOOD Movies” Are Forms of Sorcery, Subliminal Messages & “Lesser Magic”
Dollar Collapse | Man In America Host Seth Holehouse Explains 5 Things You Need to Know About Central Bank Digital Currencies, BRICS, Universal Basic Income, De-Dollarization And the New Gold-Backed Currency Being Reported By Russian State Media
Doja Cat | SHOCKER!!! Doja Cat's New Song "Demons" Is Demonic, Hollywood Is Satanic & Many Celebrities Have Done Unspeakable Acts In Route to Achieving Their Goals of Fame & Fortune (Featuring Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Katie Perry)?
Facebook | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Information Awareness Office (IAO), February 4th 2004 Lifelog Died & Facebook Was Born, Sean Parker, Peter Thiel, Palantir, Mark Zuckerberg, & The Purpose of Social Media
Bohemian Grove | Why Are World Leaders Fly to San Francisco to Visit the Bohemian Grove In the Middle of Nowhere to Worship A 45 Foot Tall Owl God Mentioned In Leviticus? UNDER COVER FOOTAGE of The Bohemian Club Founded In 1873
Dan Ball | Dan Ball Speaks At ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, Michigan! Join Navarro, Flynn, Eric Trump & Team America At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken! Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102
Amanda Grace | Grace & Glory Discuss Russian Nuclear Submarine | Russian Nuclear Submarine Armed with 'Doomsday' Weapon + Yuval Noah Harari "Only a Catastrophe Can Shake Human Kind and Open the Path to a Real System of Global Governance