3 years agoContemporary #438: A Deciding Election Night, and What it Means Going ForwardJ EdgarVerified
3 years agoContemporary #439: Maybe if we Just go Harder into The Agenda People Rejected...J EdgarVerified
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3 years agoRE #64: CWal Joins the Porch: Southwest, Loudoun County, The Closer AND MOREJ EdgarVerified
3 years agoContemporary #428: Get Used to it, Some of Those Full Shelves Just Aren't Coming BackJ EdgarVerified
3 years agoContemporary #433: Based Judges and Based Walkout...Anything Else Based Today?J EdgarVerified
3 years agoRE #63: Saint Joins the Show, Southwest Drama, The Debt Ceiling, Texas Shooting AND MOREJ EdgarVerified