Elon Musk | Figuratively Speaking, Is America In Love With An Unfaithful Woman What Is Actually a Dude? Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari, Xi Jinping, & Klaus Schwab All Agree On: mRNA, Universal Basic Income, Self-Driving Cars & Carbon Taxes?
Mark of the Beast | Is the Mark of the Beast Technology Becoming A Reality In Front of Us? "CBDCs Look Like a Small Grain of Rice That They Want to Put Under Your Skin. To Get People to Accept This...Universal Basic Income." - Professor Richard
ON DEMAND! From- Sep.12,'24: Liberty vs Sharia- the death trap! See how Islamic Genocide has shredded Europe, South Asia and the Middle East & how Islam merged with the Nazi SS under Hitler who fled to Patagonia, fooling everyone, not dead.